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illustration of senior woman in a wheelchair and a nurse helping her

Gain Essential Knowledge with Caregiving Training!

At the Philippine Healthcare Skills Training and Assessment Center, Inc., we offer top-notch caregiving courses to students, healthcare personnel assistants, caregivers, and practitioners. Our mentors are here to give you the skills you need for a fulfilling career, both here in the Philippines and overseas. We don't just train; we help you create a bright future.

To gain further knowledge regarding PHS or particular programs, kindly complete the form and verify your email for further instructions on the following steps.

Course Design

Key Components of Course Design

Course Title: Caregiving NC II

Nominal Duration: 786 hours + 240 hours = 1,026 Hours

Qualification Level: National Certificate Level II

Course Description: This course teaches the necessary competencies for providing comprehensive care and support to infants/toddlers, children, the elderly, and individuals with special needs. It covers areas such as emergency response, hygiene, and fostering social and emotional development. The curriculum aligns with industry standards for Caregiving NCII.


  1. Form 137, Form 138 from previous school
  2. Transcript of Records from previous school
  3. NSO Birth Certificate (PSA)
  4. Certification of Good Moral from previous school
  5. Plastic Envelope – Long size
  6. Medical Certificate @City Health
  7. Pictures (unedited, not glossy):
    • ☐ 2 colored 2 x2 - for PIS
    • ☐ 3 Passport size with name and Collar White for TESDA