Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Quick answers to questions you may have.

  1. Step 1

    Fill out the application form completely, make sure that all the information you are providing is true and correct. On this stage you will all also be asked to select your preferred schedule and mode of learning delivery select what best suites your needs.

  2. Step 2

    Paying for your tuition made easy! You can now pay via GCash, PayMaya, and even via Debit Card. Simply upload the official receipts in the payment portal.

  3. Step 3

    Secure a copy of your official enrollment or matriculation form.

We don't have the exact date of training schedules yet. Training Times are from Monday-Friday and you can choose from:

  • AM Class: 8:00AM-12:00NN
  • PM Class: 1:00PM- 5:00PM
  • EVENING Class: 5:00PM- 9:00PM
  1. Villa Marillac
  2. Queen of Peace
After OJT Undergo TESDA Assessment

Here is the list of the requirements you'll need to complete for enrollment in Caregiving NC II.

  • 2 copies 1×1 Photo white background
  • 5 copies Passport size Colored with collar, white background with name tag (Tesda accepted photo)
  • High School/ College Diploma (Photocopy)
  • Grades/ Form 137 from previous school (Photocopy)
  • PSA Birth Certificate (Photocopy)
  • Latest Medical Certificate
  • 2 long brown envelope
  • Proof of Full Vaccination against COVID-19

Yes! We do accept Alternative Learning System (ALS) Graduates both from Old and New Curriculums.

  • CGC 111 - Provide Care and Support to Infants and Toddlers
  • CGC 112 - Provide Care and Support to Children
  • CGC 113 - Foster the Social, Intellectual, Creative and Emotional Development of Children
  • CGC 114 - Foster the Physical Development of Children
  • CGC 115 - Provide Care and Support to Elderly People
  • CGC 116 - Provide Care and Support to People with Special Needs
  • CGC 117 - Maintain a Healthy and Safe Environment
  • CGC 118 - Respond to Emergencies
  • CGC 119 - Clean Living Room, Dining Room, Bedrooms and Bathrooms
  • CGC 220 – Wash and Iron Clothes, Lines, and Fabrics
  • CGC 221 – Prepare Hot and Cold Meals
  • CGC 222 – Establish Professionalism at the Workplace
  • CGC 223 - Practicum (On the Job Training)
Description Amount (PhP)
Tuition Fees 26,980
Miscellaneous 2,698
Upon Enrollment 6,980
ID with ID Lace 180
Uniforms Starts from 1,600
BP App 590